Your authentic Master Life Strategist to Transcend your Life

Transformative Awakening & Wellness Retreat for Teens

Join our exclusive Awakening & Wellness Retreat for teens aged 13-19. Discover your true essence, awaken your inner power, and navigate life’s challenges with grace. Connect with like-minded individuals and develop a sacred self-care ritual. Limited spots available. Register now!

Retreat Countdown

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The Master Life Strategist & Action Catalyst

I’ve transcended from prisoner to powerhouse. Now, as your Mastermind Strategist and Action Catalyst, I can help you do the same.

I help CEOs, families, couples, and even children break free from the internal battles that hold them back. My journey wasn’t always sunshine and success. I once wrestled with self-doubt, shame, and societal pressures, feeling like I was slowly losing myself. These struggles threatened to dim my spark, but a fire of defiance refused to be extinguished.

Through radical self-exploration, self-discovery, and self-actualization I shattered those limitations and emerged empowered. Now, I leverage my experience and expertise to guide others on their own path to transformation.

Here’s what I have helped others achieve and can help you do the same:

    • Eradicate the internal dialogues that sabotage your success.
    • Break free from limiting beliefs that hold you back.
    • Spark action and ignite your full potential.

Together, we’ll transform your inner struggles into a source of strength, propelling you towards a life of fulfillment.


unleash your potential

My passion is helping individuals like you break free from self-doubt and limiting beliefs that hold you back. I understand these struggles firsthand, having overcome my own challenges to achieve transformation.

Why Choose Me?
• Proven Results: My strategies have empowered individuals from diverse backgrounds to achieve remarkable transformations.
• Relatable Approach: I understand your struggles because I’ve walked a similar path.
• Action-Oriented: Let’s move beyond “why” and focus on the “how” to achieve your goals.

Mend Broken Relationships

Transition of Separation and Divorce without anger

Enhance Your Fertility Journey

manifest Financial independence

Ignite Your Mental Transmutation

Ignite Business Growth & Leadership Transformation

/ Testimonials

What People are Saying about Chantale

Two questions were posed to me by Chantel Milord:” Are you operating at your highest potential and “are you living your best life”? According to my level of knowledge and exposure I thought I was reaching my maximum potential and living my best life. It wasn’t until she started coaching and mentoring me, that I realized there was so much more to discover and accomplished. She raised the bar for me for life expectations. My spectrum of possibilities was expanded beyond my natural abilities. She coached me on how to Brand myself so the world would know me and my worth. It didn’t take long for the shift to take place I accomplished more in the two years she coached me than I had done in the past 30 years. She taught me how to be a lifetime learner and never minimize the greatness that God has place within you.

Pastor Yvonne Strachan

It is rare to meet someone who, from the first moment, imparts a kindness, spirit and vision that transcends the type of friendships and professional relationships which usually take years to develop. Chantale is that one in a million special individual and it is an honor to be able to share in and support her journey. She is dedicated to helping young people overcome adversity and create productive futures. But she has just as much impact on the adults that cross paths with her. Chantale’s genuine care and true belief in the good found in others results in exciting change that leads to success. To sum up this fabulous person in just a few words, she is a “true blessing”!

Dr. LInda Marks

I have attended a few of Chantale’s events and I have walked away feeling empowered and enlightened by each one! I have learned from her events to shift my thoughts - actions and feelings toward the desired outcome not the current situation. By doing this miracles have manifested for me and my family. I highly recommend!!! ...You truly can create Your Universe the way that you want it by attending Chantale’s events. Healing. Seeing. Believing = Manifesting 😊

Natalie Johnson

Chantale listens and challenges you to think outside the box. If I were to sum up my experience in one word it would be “revitalizing”. Chantale, I am grateful for having crossed your path and working with me as I uncovered deep lying truths about myself that have held me back! May you continue to bless others, as you have blessed me. Blessings!

Dr. Bascombe